Global university rankings at the global market of educational services
Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 31
Subject of research are the global University rankings. The purpose of research is the analysis of world University rankings at the global market of educational services. Methodology of research: generalization, comparative analysis, statistical and other research methods. The results of research. The article describes the main world rankings of universities in the global educational market, the most popular among them are: Academic ranking of universities (Academic Ranking of World Universities, ARWU, China), the Times Higher Education Rankings of Universities (Times magazine, United Kingdom), Webometrics (Webometrics, Spain), Unversity 21. The features of each rating. The main criteria for the formation of the world University rankings. Investigated one of the most important criteria for international rankings of universities the development of higher education and University research – capitalization. Listed on the General trends of the development of competitive universities, the best higher Ukrainian universities entered the ranking institutions in the world and in the top five universities, according to rankings based on the indicators of database Scopus UNIVERSITIES. Measures to improve the rating of Ukrainian UNIVERSITIES. Areas of results implemenation: Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Conclusions. World-class universities in contrast to the Ukrainian UNIVERSITIES reach leadership positions through training competitive graduates in the labor market, high level of scientific research, financial support from the state (which contributes to the modernisation of higher education and the development of competitive educational institutions in the global market), the spread of new ideas and technologies. By following the positions of any institution of higher education can take a leadership position in the global market of educational services.
Authors and Affiliations
Vitalina Malyshko, Jaremenko Liudmyla
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