
With the final choice of Ukraine by the western vector of development the question of the state place in a globalized world is increasingly raised in literature. Nevertheless the analysis of sci-entific achievements in mentioned problem shows that the vast majority of studies on globaliza-tion consider it as an indisputable and undeniable benefit for Ukraine. In our opinion such a one-sided view of the problem is false, because globalization processes (despite their universal-ly recognized positive aspect), “hide” a significant number of negative phenomena for our so-ciety. Therefore, we propose to focus on the reverse side of globalization. Today it is possible to list specific negative displays of globalization in Ukraine. In our opinion, they are: 1) destruction of the national economy, which due to backward technology cannot compete with the economies of developed countries; 2) ruination of the agrarian sector; 3) the efforts of EU countries, the United States to place on our territory environmentally haz-ardous production; 4) the destruction of the national education system, which was adapted to the requirements of the national labor market; 5) the leak of skilled and most productive intel-lectual and labor abroad (where higher salaries, sometimes better working conditions); 7) dis-semination of the precariat class in Ukraine and others. As a consequence of the globalization process, blurring of national identity the precariat problem clearly reflects the danger of the uncontrolled globalization processes. Precaria means “unstable, unreliable, threatening”. The danger of precarious is that they are not “tied” to anything, they do not have a profession so they have no consistent views on the world, themselves, their place in society. Therefore, they can be provoked by anything. Precarious does not cherish the history of his people, does not cherish his culture, all that is called ”the roots of the people”. Precarious is a man pushed out by the society. He does not find his place in the existing model of life, and therefore has significant claims to the world. Not knowing anything, knowing their insignificance and excesses, full of insults to the whole world, the precarious are ready to destroy it. Necessarily “precariat” negatively affects the quality of work. It reduces the competitive-ness of Ukraine in the market for science-intensive technologies, enhances the tendency of “downloading” Ukraine to the level of states as raw appendages and suppliers of cheap un-skilled labor. Precariat is dangerous for the destruction of professional unions of the working people, increasing their insecurity against the tyranny of employers (which will necessarily in-crease), the growth of the poorest stratum of the population of Ukraine. This will further strengthen the movement of labor to the wealthier countries of the world, which will negatively affect the Ukrainian economy. Legitimate government must prove its strength and defend the economic and social bene-fits for the whole population. For this purpose in Ukraine there are all existing state structures and legal field. The main task is the reorientation of the management system in Ukraine: it shouldn’t provide pan-European interests (or any other), it has to protect the interests of the Ukrainian people.

Authors and Affiliations

Viktor Harashchuk


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  • EP ID EP615691
  • DOI 10.31359/1993-0941-2018-36-38
  • Views 83
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How To Cite

Viktor Harashchuk (2018). ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЙНІ ПРОЦЕСИ В УКРАЇНІ: ПРОБЛЕМНІ ПИТАННЯ. Державне будівництво та місцеве самоврядування, 1(36), 38-50. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-615691