Glosa do wyroku Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 1 października 2018 r. w sprawie obowiązku negocjacji dostępu do Oceanu Spokojnego (Boliwia v. Chile)

Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY - Year 2019, Vol 152, Issue 3


The judgment of the International Court of Justice of 1 October 2018 in the case concerning the obligation to negotiate access to the Pacific Ocean refers to a territorial dispute between Bolivia and Chile, resulting from the loss of the access to the sea by Bolivia as a consequence of an armed conflict with Chile in 1880s. Filing a complaint in 2013, Bolivia demanded that the Court rule that Chile is obliged to enter into negotiations therewith as regards obtaining an agreement guaranteeing its full, sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean. Bolivia derived this duty from agreements it concluded with Chile, Chile’s unilateral acts, general principles of law, particularly estoppel, acquiescence and justified expectations, as well as resolutions of the Organisation of American States. Chile interpreted the bilateral relations in this scope differently and claimed that the duty of this kind had not arisen. This year, with the panel’s 12:3 decision, the Court decided that Chile does not have an obligation to negotiate with Bolivia its sovereign access to the Pacific Ocean. To the judgment there are attached: the declaration by judge A. Yusuf and dissenting opinions of judge P. Robinson, judge N. Salam and judge ad hoc Y. Daudet.

Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Kułaga


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  • EP ID EP595900
  • DOI 10.31268/PS.2019.44
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How To Cite

Łukasz Kułaga (2019). Glosa do wyroku Międzynarodowego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 1 października 2018 r. w sprawie obowiązku negocjacji dostępu do Oceanu Spokojnego (Boliwia v. Chile). PRZEGLĄD SEJMOWY, 152(3), 141-150.