Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Krakowie z dnia 6 września 2012 r. (sygn. I ACa 723/12)
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 22
Teza: Lekarz nie ma obowiązku informowania o wszystkich możliwych, nawet rzadko występujących powikłaniach
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Drozdowska
When Everything Old is New Again: Amish Career and Technical Education
In this qualitative study, the authors briefl y describe the Amish formal education system, discuss career and technology education in Amish communities and examine the possible transfer of the model to public schools. F...
Osobista styczność z dzieckiem w przypadku spraw o przysposobienie międzynarodowe jako narzędzie chroniące dobro dziecka
Th e Family and Guardianship Code Act of 25 February 1964, in Art 120 § 1, defi nes the privileges of the Court before which a case of adoption is pending. It has the power to set the conditions of personal contact betwe...
Well Begun is Half Done: Amendments to the Polish Legal Framework for Consensual Dispute Resolution Needed Aft er Antitrust Damages Directive (2014/104/EU)
Th is article concentrates on amendments to the Polish legal framework for consensual dispute resolution that are needed aft er Antitrust Damages Directive (2014/104/EU). It starts with the general context of changes in...
Th e Limits of Autonomy of a Young Living Donor in Transplantation
Th e problem of legal regulation of ex vivo graft from a young living donor raises a lot of controversy. According to the Polish Act on the Collection, Preservation and Transplantation of Cells, Tissues and Organs, a mi...
Ograniczenia orzekania reformatoryjnego sądu odwoławczego w postępowaniu karnym (rozważania z uwzględnieniem perspektywy konstytucyjnej)
Th e recent (2015) change of the art. 437 para 1 kpk. (Polish Code of Criminal Procedure) is very important in terms of second instance judgments in criminal cases. Th e new reformatory ruling (correcting the fi rst inst...