Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Krakowie z dnia 6 września 2012 r. (sygn. I ACa 723/12)
Journal Title: Białostockie Studia Prawnicze - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 22
Teza: Lekarz nie ma obowiązku informowania o wszystkich możliwych, nawet rzadko występujących powikłaniach
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Drozdowska
Th e Model of Disciplinary Proceedings Against Prosecutors – Selected Issues
The article discusses possible models of disciplinary proceedings against prosecutors in Poland. In the fi rst, the so-called “corporate” model, disciplinary commissions of both instances are composed only of prosecutors...
Restorative Justice in post-Penitentiary Assistance in Poland. Th e Case of the „Mateusz” Readaptation Centre in Toruń
Th e article discusses social policy as a way to implement restorative justice. Based on the experience of “Mateusz” Reintegration Centre in Toruń, the “Dąbrowski method”, a new approach to people leaving penitentiary in...
Coincidence of Criminal and Disciplinary Proceedings in the Context of the Provisions of the Law on Higher Education
Th e current formula of disciplinary liability is neither clear nor uniform. Built on the basis of a number of independent regulations, it is inconsistent with the general pattern of uniformity and universal use. Interes...
The European Union and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Selected Institutional Aspects of Implementation
The European Union is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A broad scope of the UNCRPD provisions makes it covered by diff erent types of EU competence – exclusive and shar...
Commentary on the Judgment of the Supreme Court of 18 March 2015 (Ref. No. II KK 318/14)
Envisaging an unconditioned prerequisite of reading aloud a testimony of a witness who resides abroad, the provision of Art. 391 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure does not make the application of this possibility dep...