Glycaemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Secondary and Tertiary Health Center in Oredo and Egor Local Government Areas in Benin City, South-South Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 6
Diabetes is the commonest endocrine metabolic disorder in Nigeria. Aim: The aim was to assess the level of glycaemic control in type 2 diabetics in Oredo and Egor local government areas in Benin metropolis, with a view of planning improved diabetes care. Study and Design: This is a cross sectional study. Place and Duration of the Study: The study was carried out in the department of medicine Central Hospital Benin (Secondary Health center), department of Medicine University of Benin teaching Hospital (Tertiary Health center) and department of chemical pathology, University of Benin teaching hospital Benin City Nigeria between October 2012 and June 2013. Methodology: Fasting Blood sample of 126 type 2 diabetics (38.1% males and 61.9% females from the secondary health centre and 781 type 2 diabetics (47.1% male and 58.3% females ) from the tertiary health centre was assayed for plasma glucose and Glycated haemoglobin. Body mass index was calculated from measured height and weight and blood pressure measurements taken with mercury sphygmomanometer. Results: Mean fasting plasma glucose and mean glycated haemoglobin was 142.2±7.2mg/dl, 8.3±2.1% and 145.8±5.4mg/dL,8.3±2.6% for patients in the secondary and tertiary health centres respectively. 20.6% of the patients in the secondary health centre and 40.5% of those in the tertiary health centre had glycated haemoglobin values < 7% as recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA). 25.3% and 20.6% of the patients in the secondary and tertiary health centres respectively, met the blood pressure target recommended by ADA. Conclusion: Most diabetics in Egor and Oredo Local Government Areas, Benin City, south-south Nigeria still have suboptimal glycaemic control, are hypertensive and have chronic complications of the disease. Improved Health care delivery, and subsidization of health care is recommended.
Authors and Affiliations
O. F. Adewolu
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