Градація політичних настроїв населення в умовах окупації: історичний досвід (Луганщина, 1941-1943 рр.) / Grading the political dispositions of the populations in the conditions of occupation: historical experience (Luhans’k region, 1941-1943)
Journal Title: Історичні студії суспільного прогресу - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue
The article deals with the variety o f the political dispositions o f the population at the beginning of Hitler occupation; the groups o f population depending on their attitude to ‘the new order ’ are classified. The basis o f the research results is made up by the conclusion that the population civil position on the occupied territories was affected by several reasons. In particular, the ideological bias that prompted local people either to cooperate with the "new authority” or made them fight it; economic motives related either to the desire to protect their financial well-being through resistance to invaders, or, conversely, pushing citizens to cooperate with them expecting the performance o f some economic promises o f the invaders; moral motives that led to anti-fascist stance which developed as a result o f the invaders genocidal policies
Authors and Affiliations
Viktoria Abakumova
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