Grain quality of common wheat lines with T. kiharae genetic material


Aim. T. kiharae (AtAtGGDD, 2n=42) is a source of high protein and gluten content, resistance to many diseases. Сommon wheat lines with the introgression of T. kiharae genetic material were obtained in order to enrich T. aestivum L. gene pool. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of T. kiharae genetic material on the grain quality of T. aestivum/T. kiharae introgression lines. Methods. The composition of the high molecular weight glutenin subunits was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Evaluation of the most important traits of grain quality (hardness, protein and gluten content, gluten quality) was carried out according to GOST. Results. Сomparative analysis of the composition of high molecular weight glutenin subunits of introgressive lines and their parental forms allowed us to identify lines with novel alleles of Glu-1 loci, specific for T. kiharae. For most of the introgression lines T. aestivum/T. kiharae hardness, protein and gluten content were higher than for parent wheat varieties. Conclusions. Introgression of T. kiharaegenetic material in the genome of common wheat had a positive effect on all studied parameters of grain quality except the gluten quality. Keywords: common wheat, T. kiharae, glutenin, SDS-PAGE, quality of grain.

Authors and Affiliations

О. А. Орловская, С. И. Вакула, Л. В. Хотылева, А. В. Кильчевский


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How To Cite

О. А. Орловская, С. И. Вакула, Л. В. Хотылева, А. В. Кильчевский (2018). Grain quality of common wheat lines with T. kiharae genetic material. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 108-113.