The article presents the legal concept of orphan works in the context of the Polish Law on Copyright and its social and cultural impact on the effectiveness of scientific research, especially in the field of humanities....
The article traces the affinities between cultural narcissism on the one hand and the representation of individual and collective identities in visual media on the other. By referring to a body of research on narcissism,...
Adolf Dygasiński methodically developed writing meticulous aphorisms. He cherished the intention to write a vast theoretical study on literature, author, reader and the book. The sketched adages were to help him as centr...
This paper concerns the relation between twentieth-century model of an elegy (analyzed on the example of Rainer Maria Rilke’s works) and Zbigniew Herbert’s Elegy for the Departure of Pen Ink and Lamp. Similarities and di...
This article is the first attempt at the psychoanalytical interpretation of Flytrap Factory by Andrzej Bart. The author refers to such issues as Holocaust, postmodernism and culture of narcissism. Marta Tomczok compares...
Dzieła osierocone jako wyzwanie dla humanistyki / Orphan Works as a Challenge for Humanities
The article presents the legal concept of orphan works in the context of the Polish Law on Copyright and its social and cultural impact on the effectiveness of scientific research, especially in the field of humanities....
Narcyzm, obraz, disco polo
The article traces the affinities between cultural narcissism on the one hand and the representation of individual and collective identities in visual media on the other. By referring to a body of research on narcissism,...
O wartości literatury w świetle aforyzmów i korespondencji Adolfa Dygasińskiego / On the Value of Literature in the Light of Adolf Dygasinski’s Aphorisms and Correspondence
Adolf Dygasiński methodically developed writing meticulous aphorisms. He cherished the intention to write a vast theoretical study on literature, author, reader and the book. The sketched adages were to help him as centr...
Przedmioty i współczucie. Elegia na odejście pióra atramentu lampy Zbigniewa Herberta wobec dwudziestowiecznego modelu elegii (na przykładzie Elegii duinejskich Rainera Marii Rilkego) / Things and Compassion. Zbigniew Herbert’s Elegy for the Departure of Pen Ink and Lamp Within the Twentieth-Century Elegy on the Example of Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duinesian Elegies
This paper concerns the relation between twentieth-century model of an elegy (analyzed on the example of Rainer Maria Rilke’s works) and Zbigniew Herbert’s Elegy for the Departure of Pen Ink and Lamp. Similarities and di...
Narcyzm przekłuty kołkiem ironii. Czyli co stało się w Fabryce muchołapek
This article is the first attempt at the psychoanalytical interpretation of Flytrap Factory by Andrzej Bart. The author refers to such issues as Holocaust, postmodernism and culture of narcissism. Marta Tomczok compares...