The world in which people live is a collection of values created by them and for them. As free beings, people make choices, are constantly guided by them in their daily behavior and attitudes, recognizing them as valuabl...
In this research paper, the author focuses on the analysis of the implications
of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for China. In the
recently launched TTIP negotiations between the USA and the Eu...
The text is treats of the espionage against Poland in the period 1944–1989.
The above analysis has been supplemented with the quantitative data from the period
1944–1984 as regards those convicted for participating in, a...
Kluczowym pytaniem badawczym w przypadku tego opracowania, była próba ustalenia czy media mogą mieć wpływ na postawy prozdrowotne, w szczególności sprzyjające podejmowaniu aktywności fizycznej, a nadto w jakich formach i...
Научная статья основана на результатах социологического иссле-
дования молодежи города Москвы по итогам партийного менеджмента и пар-
тийной реформы в современной России. Анализ показал, что наблюдается
некоторая дуально...
EP ID EP492532
DOI 10.14746/ssp.2018.2.12
Views 90
Downloads 0
How To Cite
Rafał Czachor (2018). Грант Микаелян, Теневая экономика в Армении, Институт Кавказа, Ереван 2016, ss. 188.. Środkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne, 0(2),
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TTIP’s implications for China
In this research paper, the author focuses on the analysis of the implications of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for China. In the recently launched TTIP negotiations between the USA and the Eu...
Espionage against Poland in the Documents and Analyses of the Polish Special Services (1944–1989) – as Illustrated by the Intelligence Activities of the USA
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