Green Nanotechnology Innovations to Realize UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030


Purpose:Adoption of suitable technology and managing it strategically to solve social problems of the world is the need of the hour. United nations being a multi-country membership organization, has announced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)in the year 2015with a slogan of action to end poverty, to protect the planet, and to ensure peace and prosperity by the year 2030. It is argued that nanotechnology that is considered a technology of the 21stcentury can be used to realize thirteen out of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. These thirteen SDGs include: Reduce Poverty, Reduce Hunger, Health & Well-Being, Clean Water & Sanitation, Affordable renewable energy, Sustainable Industrialization, Ensure Sustainable Production & Consumption, Combat onClimate Change, Conserve Ocean & Marine Resources, and Protect life on Land.Methodology: The study uses explorative research methodology based on developing postulates. The data and information are collected from various related scholarly publications searched through suitable keywords in Google scholar.Findings: Nanotechnology anticipated as a universal technology has capabilities to solve problems of society at the basic level, comfortable level, and dreamy desirable levels. Nanotechnology, if not managed strategically and carefully has dangers to human health due to its potential risks of predicted nanotoxicity. In this paper, we have analysed these potentials challenges of nanotechnology, its strategic management, and developed a modelof how green and eco-friendly nanotechnology can be used in many industries to realize these thirteen sustainable development goals and eliminates the threat of the technification of development processes.Originality/Value: The paper discusses the advantages and benefits of systematic management of green and eco-friendly nanotechnology in the process of realizing individual sustainable goals in detail. Further, the concept, current research outcome, and the industrial prospects of achieving global SDG using eco-friendly green nanotechnology are analysed using predictive analysis framework of explorative research methodology.Paper type: ExploratoryResearch Analysis.

Authors and Affiliations

Shubhrajyotsna Aithal , P. S. Aithal


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Shubhrajyotsna Aithal, P. S. Aithal (2021). Green Nanotechnology Innovations to Realize UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT LETTERS (IJAEML), 5(2), -.