Groin Flap for Management of Traumatic Soft Tissue Thumb Injuries
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 12
There are many methods available for soft tissue coverage of traumatic thumb injuries. Some of them allow coverage of volar surface and some dorsal surface only. Although these surgical procedures allow for coverage of the defect, but have the major drawback of donor site morbidity, limited tissue for cover or complexity of procedure. We present an observational study of 10 cases of traumatic thumb injuries including volar, dorsal and circumferential tissue loss and also failed FDMA flaps managed with groin flap- a technically easier procedure with reliable blood supply and limited donor site morbidity and hidden donor site scar. In our study ipsilateral groin flap was used in patients with complete/incomplete volar or complete/incomplete dorsal soft tissue loss as well as in patients with circumferential loss. Groin flap was also used as a salvage procedure for the patients who had loss of FDMA flap. All patients regained adequate function of their hand with acceptable cosmetic results and no donor site morbidity. We conclude that groin flap can be used for partial or total soft tissue loss for volar as well as dorsal soft tissue loss and for circumferential tissue loss too. Groin flap although, does require the immobilization of arm for three weeks and are bulky which may require thinning of flap and many a times more than once but it is not demanding surgically, avoids donor site cosmetic morbidity, provides ample cover of tissue loss of thumb.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Waseem Mushtaq Syed
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