Грошова застава як умова реалізації пасивного виборчого права громадян у контексті правових позицій Європейського суду з прав людини та Конституційного Суду України
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 84, Issue 4
У статті досліджено правову природу поняття «грошова (виборча) застава» та проаналізовано висновки провідних національних і міжнародних установ щодо доцільності законодавчого встановлення грошової застави в аспекті забезпечення рівних виборчих прав громадян. Особливу увагу приділено правовим оцінкам грошової застави як інституту виборчого права в рішеннях Європейського суду з прав людини та Конституційного Суду України. За результатами дослідження дійдено висновку про основні умови, що мають бути враховані законодавцем для того, щоб грошова застава виступала індикатором, а не перешкодою належної реалізації пасивного виборчого права громадянами. In the article the legal nature of the definition “electoral deposit” and conclusions of leading national and international institutions on the expediency of the electoral deposit in the aspect of ensuring equal electoral rights of citizens are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the legal assessments of the electoral deposit in the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. The European Court of Human Rights considered the case Sukhovetsky v. Ukraine on the issue of legality and appropriateness of the electoral deposit. The European Court of Human Rights concluded that the electoral deposit couldn’t be considered to had been excessive or such as to constitute an insurmountable administrative or financial barrier for a candidate wishing to enter the electoral race, and even less an obstacle to the emergence of sufficiently representative political currents or an interference with the principle of pluralism. Proceeding were initiated before the Constitutional Court of Ukraine following a constitutional petition by 63 members of parliament, who challenged that electoral deposit was a property qualification, which discriminated against less successful citizens. The Constitutional Court of Ukraine held that electoral deposit was not a direct or indirect limitation of the right to stand for election, since it did not predetermine the citizen’s right to elect or be elected. The deposit was no more than a precondition for the candidate’s registration by the electoral commission. All the candidates had to pay the same amount, irrespective of their financial situation, and thus it could not be considered discriminatory on grounds of property. The electoral deposit was intended both to encourage a responsible attitude towards elections on the part of potential candidates and to prevent an abuse of electoral rights. Moreover, it was aimed at preventing excessive or unreasonable expenditure of the State funds allocated to cover candidate’s costs. According to the results of the study the conclusion about main conditions that should be taken into consideration by the legislator in order to make the electoral deposit an indicator, but not an obstacle to the proper implementation of passive electoral rights of citizens is made.
Authors and Affiliations
Ніна Василівна Сакір-Молочко
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