Growth of Pineapple Cultivation A Spatio Temporal Analysis in India


Pineapple Ananas Comosus is one of the most important tropical and sub tropical fruit of Bromeliaceae family, cultivated almost one third part of the world. July to September is the main growing season in India and it takes almost 18 24 months to mature for harvesting. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the temporal growth in area, production and productivity or yield of pineapple in India. The data series of spati temporal growth of pineapple is incorporated from 1995 96 to 2015 16. The finding of this paper revealed that the area increased from 71.3 to 109.83 000 hectare , production 1071.32 to 1924.22 000 MT and productivity 15 to 17.52 MT hectare in the last two decades. Over the last twenty years the percentage of growth in area, production and productivity of pineapple are 54.04, 79.36 and 16.8 respectively. The study also revealed that Assam has the largest area under pineapple cultivation, West Bengal is the leading producer and Karnataka is the largest in productivity. The huge variation in productivity of pineapple among different states are mainly because inadequate farm management techniques i.e. less use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides, improper suckers, inadequate knowledge and insufficient use of other input, which are the result of less production and productivity. Parvej Alam | Dr. Tariq M. Usmani | Mohammad Danish ""Growth of Pineapple Cultivation: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis in India"" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-2 , February 2020, URL: Paper Url :

Authors and Affiliations

Parvej Alam | Dr. Tariq M. Usmani | Mohammad Danish


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Parvej Alam, Dr. Tariq M. Usmani (2020). Growth of Pineapple Cultivation A Spatio Temporal Analysis in India. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4(2), -.