Growth Performance and Nitrogen Value of Broiler Finisher Birds (29-57 days) in Low-Protein Diets Supplemented with the Most Limiting Essential Amino Acids
Journal Title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International - Year 2017, Vol 18, Issue 2
This study evaluated the growth performance and nitrogen utilization of broiler birds of Arbor Acre heavy strain (29-57 days) in which ideal protein concept was tested using the most limiting essential amino acids (EAAs), L-Lysine, DL-Methionine, L-Tryptophan and L-Threonine. Six dietary treatments in which crude protein varied from 20.0% to 8.0% were used to feed broiler birds at the finishing phase (29-57 days) of production. Growth parameters and nitrogen retention were investigated and data obtained were analysed statistically using Minitab (Ver. 16). The results obtained indicated the broilers raised on the 17.0% crude protein diet had the highest significant (P<0.05) average feed intake (FI) of 108.13± 0.74 g/bird/day but had feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 2.82± 0.01 similar to diet in which CP was conventionally fixed at 20.0% with minimum EAAs supplementation. The best protein efficiency ratio (PER) of 3.80±0.03 obtained for broilers on the least CP level of 8.0%. The average nitrogen retention (NR) values were similar (P>0.05) and higher than other values at 3.06±0.01 g N and 3.01±0.01 g N for birds on the control diet and birds on 20.0% CP with minimum EAAs supplementation, respectively. The average apparent nitrogen digestibility (AND) value of 76.37±0.18% was the highest and significant (P<0.05) for birds on 20.0% CP with EAAs supplementation. Growth parameters for birds on conventional control diet had the best FCR. However, birds reared on 17.0% CP diet with EAAs supplementation had similar growth parameters with birds reared on another 20.0% CP diet with EAAs supplementation. Crude protein can therefore be reduced by 3 percentage points without any detrimental effects on the growth performance indices of broiler finisher birds (29-57 days). However, the poor nitrogen retention (NR) and apparent nitrogen digestibility (AND) for birds on the low protein diets is noteworthy.
Authors and Affiliations
S. O. Olawumi, P. A. Aye, J. T. Ogunlade, O. F. Alamuoye, F. T. Ojo
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