Guai a me se non annuncio il Vangelo! (1Cor 9, 16). Un approccio sulla nuova evangelizzazione dopo il XIII Sinodo dei Vescovi

Journal Title: Sympozjum - Year 2012, Vol 23, Issue 2


The author discusses the theme of the recently concluded XIII Synod, while awaiting the post-synodal apostolic exhortation. In the first part, in order to grasp the theme, the author presents the story of the term “New Evangelization”. For this he turns to the teaching of Pope John Paul II, where one can find a number of indications for the point of departure of new evangelization, the Pope’s insights into evangelization and the reasons why there is a need for a new evangelization. In the second part, the author presents the essential content of new evangelization according to Benedict XVI, especially in the areas of conversion, witness, and its kerygmatic, charismatic and communitary dimensions. The final part touches on the importance of the role of the laity. It emphasizes the importance of prayer. The most fruitful and appropriate prayer in the context of new evangelization today is Lectio divina. It concludes in affirming that this action is without doubt a great challenge for the Church of Europe.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriel Pisarek


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How To Cite

Gabriel Pisarek (2012). Guai a me se non annuncio il Vangelo! (1Cor 9, 16). Un approccio sulla nuova evangelizzazione dopo il XIII Sinodo dei Vescovi. Sympozjum, 23(2), 101-120.