Dysglycemia is frequently encountered in critically ill patients in the intensive care units (ICU) and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Glycemic control in ICU has three important aspects – hyperglyc...
Simulation offers tremendous promise to improve health care delivery especially in acute care areas. It can be an efficient mode to learn, probe and improve crisis resource management, unit risk assessment, establish an...
Pain management of neonates is much debated topic in the medical fi eld. Pain and particularly chronic pain may affect
the development of the brain and cause permanent injuries. Neonates being non-verbal are unable to ex...
Pediatric Intensive Care training is an integral part of Pediatric Postgraduate Program with scant data in the published literature on student’s perception about training in Pediatric intensive care(PICU). W...
EP ID EP339402
Views 62
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How To Cite
(2016). Guidelines on Bronchiolitis Clinical AAP Guidelines summary: Bronchiolitis. Journal Of Pediatric Critical Care, 3(2),
49-49. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-339402
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Glycemic Control in Critically Ill: A Review
Dysglycemia is frequently encountered in critically ill patients in the intensive care units (ICU) and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Glycemic control in ICU has three important aspects – hyperglyc...
Simulation in Acute Care Pediatrics: New Paradigms in care
Simulation offers tremendous promise to improve health care delivery especially in acute care areas. It can be an efficient mode to learn, probe and improve crisis resource management, unit risk assessment, establish an...
Feasibility of initiating enteral nutrition support with first 24 hours of congenital heart repairs in neonates and Infants and its impact on outcomes following surgery : A Pilot study
A Comprehensive analysis of Neonatal pain and measures to reduce pain
Pain management of neonates is much debated topic in the medical fi eld. Pain and particularly chronic pain may affect the development of the brain and cause permanent injuries. Neonates being non-verbal are unable to ex...
Pediatric residents perception of Pediatric intensive care training during post graduation
Introduction Pediatric Intensive Care training is an integral part of Pediatric Postgraduate Program with scant data in the published literature on student’s perception about training in Pediatric intensive care(PICU). W...