Guy’s Neurobiological Disability Scale as a significant tool to assess symptoms occurring in patients with MS
Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 22
The Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale (GNDS) is a tool used to measure the degree of disability in individuals with multiple sclerosis. It allows to evaluate the patient’s level of performance in twelve significant areas. The aim of this study was to develop the Polish language version of the GNDS scale and assess its accuracy, reliability and utility to evaluate the degree of disability in individuals with multiple sclerosis. The study group consisted of 175 patients with diagnosed multiple sclerosis. The research tools included the following: the Extended Disability Status Scale, EDSS; Guy’s Neurological Disability Scale, GNDS; Acceptance of Illness Scale, AIS; Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale 29, MSIS 29. The scale’s reliability and accuracy were analysed. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were conducted in order to investigate the scale’s factorial structure. Cronbach’s α coefficient for the GNDS scale equalled 0.70. The whole GNDS scale demonstrated adequate reliability. It was revealed that the GNDS scale result correlated with variables characteristic of MS course, such as duration of the disease, its kind, assessment of the ability to move independently or necessity to use the rehabilitation equipment when moving. In addition, the GNDS scale result correlated with the results in the EDSS, AIS and MSIS-29 scales, which indicates the scale’s satisfactory accuracy. The conducted analyses demonstrate that the GNDS scale is a useful and valuable tool, which allows to evaluate the degree of disability in multiple sclerosis patients. The scale can be used both for clinical and research purposes. The GNDS scale is multidimensional, patient-oriented and does not favour any specific kind of disability.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Dymecka, Mariola Bidzan, Renata Rautszko, Ilona Bidzan-Bluma, Paweł Atroszko
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