Guz szyi — ektopowa tkanka tarczycowa ujawniona po 4 latach od radykalnej strumektomii
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 3
SUMMARY Objectives: Authors present the case of 60 years men with ectopic thyroid gland revealed 4 years after total strumectomy. Methods: Neck tumor of the prelaryngeal localization was removed with good clinical outcome. Histopathological study was performed. Results: In the histopatological assesment tumor turned out to be the ectopic thyroid gland. Conclusions: The case of ectopic thyroid gland was presented because of possible diagnostic problems with preoperative diagnosis among the patients with neck tumor
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Zawiślak, Jerzy Zawiślak
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