Guzy twarzoczaszki u dzieci leczonych w Klinice Otolarynologii Dziecięcej w Warszawie
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 4
Introduction. The tumours of bony face at in children are rare. Among the most commonly found are infl ammatory tumours and development anomalies. In histopathology, the most frequent fund are neuroma, fi bromas, osteoma, lipomas. In infl ammatory tumours there are abscess and infl ammatory infi ltration. Malignants tumours in this area are rare in children, but are mainly sarcomata or melanoma. Developmental tumours include cyst and fi stula. Objective. To analyse tumours of the bony face treated in Paediatric ENT Clinic in Warsaw. Material. There were thirty cases of bony face tumours treated in Paediatric ENT Clinic in Warsaw between 2005 and 2007. Results. One cases (3%) provedto be malignant, and one (3%) locally malignant. Twenty-one cases (70%) were found to be developmental tumours, three cases (10%) of abscesses, and four cases (13%) of benign tumours. Conclusions. The most frequently-found tumours of bony face in children are developmental tumours. All tumours must be the subject of histopatological xamination. In the case of cancers tumours it has to be established if the tumour is a primary or a metastatic. In the group analysed group the rare tumour were epithelioma, ganglioma.
Authors and Affiliations
Lechosław Chmielik, Magdalena Frąckiewicz, Mieczysław Chmielik
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