Hamawi’s Manuscript Called Ithâf al-azkiyâ bi tahqiqi mes’eleti ʻismat al-anbiyâ

Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 7


The issue of ismat al-anbiya (preservation of the Prophets from sin) is one of the subjects made its presence felt in the history of Islamic thought since the early periods. Shihabuddîn Ahmed b. Muhammed al-Hamawî’s (d. 1098/1687) manuscript called Ithâf al-azkiyâ bi tahqiqi mes’eleti ʻismat al-anbiyâ is one of the detach works in this field. The alleged idea of “some prophets committing sin sometimes” suggested by Muhtâr b. Mahmûd al-Zâhidî (d. 658/1260), one of the scholars of Mutazilî-Hanafî, drew a specific attention because this idea was mentioned in al-Ashbâh ve’n-nazâir, a significant work of Sunni-Hanafi world. The work in your hand presents the critical editon of the work and the examination as to the manuscript of Hamawi in which he discussed the relevant idea. The author assesses the concept of sin related to the subject under the classification of blasphemy, lie, and other sins and looks for a solution of the subject gradually by separating the sins into big or small, on purpose or by mistake, based on gloss or not, disgraceful/injuring the respectability or not, have a legal sanction or not, begun or continued, before or after revelation. In other words, on the way to the solution, a more concrete basis is formed on the practical responses of the mentioned idea.

Authors and Affiliations

Necattin HANAY, İsmail BAYER


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  • EP ID EP617175
  • DOI 10.30523/mutefekkir.331949
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How To Cite

Necattin HANAY, İsmail BAYER (2017). Hamawi’s Manuscript Called Ithâf al-azkiyâ bi tahqiqi mes’eleti ʻismat al-anbiyâ. Mütefekkir, 4(7), 155-172. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-617175