Hamstring Nerve: A Case Report
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 8
Hamstring muscles which arise from ischial tuberosity are supplied by muscular branches from tibial part of sciatic nerve, while short head of biceps femoris is supplied by common peroneal part of sciatic nerve. During Bilateral lower limb dissection of formalin preserved 45 year old male cadaver in the Post-graduate Department of Anatomy Government Medical College Srinagar we came across a case where the hamstring muscles arising from ischial tuberosity including the ischial part of adductor magnus were supplied by a common nerve arising below piriformis medial to the main sciatic nerve. Keywords: Gluteal region, Piriformis, Sciatic nerve, Common peroneal nerve
Authors and Affiliations
Javed Ahmad Khan, Yasmeen Jan, Shaheen Shahdad, Mohd Arif Makhdoomi, Raj Tajamul Hussain, Sajad Hamid Khan, Zahid Bashir, Sabia Nazir, Shameema Banoo
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