Harnessing the Potential of Local Snacks Produced from African Yam Beans and Local Rice for Improved and Sustainable Livelihoods in Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of Home Economics, Hospitality and Allied Research - Year 2024, Vol 3, Issue 2
This study was designed to develop snacks utilizing composite flour blends of African yam beans and African rice, focusing on their proximate composition and sensory qualities. Flours were produced from African yam beans and African rice grains. The composite flours of African yam bean and African rice were formulated using different ratios specified as BSA, BSB, BSC, BSD, BSE, DOA, DOB, DOC, DOD and DOE. The proximate composition and sensory properties of the flour samples were determined using standard methods. Proximate results showed significant (P< 0.05) increase in protein (9.50 – 11.52%), Fiber (0.88 – 1.75%), ash (1.94 – 5.00%) and Carbohydrate (73.71 – 79.08%) and significantly decrease (P<0.05) in fat ((8.00 – 2.19%), and moisture (7.40 – 3.97%) for biscuits. While an increase in protein (12.63 – 9.75%), fiber (0.48 – 2.10%) and carbohydrate (73.41 – 60.82%) but decrease in moisture (12.80 – 6.59%) ash (3.00 – 1.48%) and fat (12.00 – 8.02%) was observed in doughnut samples. Sensory results showed that the panelist liked the snacks prepared from the blends; however, the control snack samples were most preferred. To enhance consumer appeal, the composite snacks with lower ratings (BSB and DOD) needs improvement. In order to improve food security and support sustainable livelihoods in Nigeria, this study recommends employing these indigenous crops to make nutritious snack options.
Authors and Affiliations
Chidiebere I. Nwakanma, Ezinne P. Obinwa, Salomi O. Onoriode, Clara N. Okoroafor, Chima, Ejeabukwa
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