Haunted landscapes. Post-socialist memory limbo of contemporary Poland

Journal Title: Mesto a dejiny - Year 2016, Vol 5, Issue 2


Post-communist landscapes are undergoing continuous process of transformations, more dynamically than many others types of cultural landscapes. One interpretation is followed by another reinterpretation; from the early festive anti-communist cleansings, thought discreet minor re-interpretations, infused by local and national political transformations, to contemporary ‘deep peeling’ or second wave of landscape purges. It looks like, contrary to the progressive van Gennep model of liminality, tradition oriented Polish society has been stacked up in a liminal limbo, unable or/and unwilling to go further and forget or assimilate the real or alleged communist landscapes. Since the 2016 election and the rise of populist-right powers, the Polish landscape has been haunted by the ghosts of communist past and it became clear that the past is still lives here now. New landscape modes of interpretations has been imposed and the spectre of communism, as Marx said almost 170 years, is still haunting over Central and Eastern Europe.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Czepczyński


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Mariusz Czepczyński (2016). Haunted landscapes. Post-socialist memory limbo of contemporary Poland. Mesto a dejiny, 5(2), 68-79. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-194176