Head and neck tuberculosis — stili current problem in ENT practice
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 4
SUMMARY Introduction: It is estimated that between XVI and XIX century one fourth of European population died of tuberculosis. Nowadays tuberculosis is stili one of the most important infectious diseases. In 2009 estimately 9 million new cases were registered worldwide, mortality due tuberculosis reached 1.5 million. In Poland extrapulmonary tuberculosis is rare (7% of overall morbidity) and most commonly affects pleura, lymph nodes, bones, joints and genitourinary system. Head and neck tuberculosis is rare and causes many diagnostics problemy. Methods: Retrospective analysis of case histories of patients admitted to ENT Department of Silesian Medical University in Katowice. Results: Between 1993 and 2010 four cases of head and neck tuberculosis were diagnosed in our Clinic. Two of patients were admitted to the hospital with symptoms of laryngeal tumor such as difficulty in swallowing. Dur-ing direct laryngoscopy tissue specimens were taken. Examination of the third patient showed tumor located below left angle of mandibule. During superficial parotidectomy tumor was removed. In the fourth registered case tuberculosis manifested as tumor of nasopharynx. In every case which is mentioned above pathology reports revealed epithelioid celt granulomas with caseous necrosis typical for tuberculosis. Patients underwent tuber-culostatic treatment. Conclusion: Rare occurence and lack of characteristic symptoms of head and neck tuberculosis often lead to misdiagnosis. Histopathological examination is the most important diagnostic procedure. Microbiological examination is difficult in extrapulmonary tuberculosis, because of low concentration of pathogens in specimens. Tuberculostatic therapy is the leading method of treatment in every case of tuberculosis.
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Markowsk, Małgorzata Witkowska, Tatiana Gierek, Katarzyna Pasternak, Monika Ciupińska-Kajor, Maciej Kajor
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