Head of Regional Characteristics and the Local Government Performance in Indonesia
Journal Title: GATR Global Journal of Business & Social Science Review - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 3
Objective - This study aims to provide empirical evidence about the influence of the characteristics and the regional head of local government performance. Methodology/Technique - Local government performance is measured by the value of the performance evaluation of local government providers (EKPPD) derived from reports organizers of local government (LPPD). To realize the required capability of regional leaders and adequate competence in the regional administration. The population of this research is all the district / city in Indonesia in 2011. Total the study sample was 149 Government by using purposive sampling. The analytical tool used is linear regression. Findings - The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of elected regional head (term of office, incumbent, age, education). After the interaction, both individually and with other regional chief characteristics affect the regional head performance. Characteristics age was not significant individually or no effect but when the age of the head of educational interaction regions become influential attributes that the level of education to be important in the field of financial management to achieve good financial performance area. Novelty - The capability can be attributed to education, tenure, and age as the upper view eschelon theory. With a high level of education, the appropriate educational background, mature age, and work experience will be more open enough insight to regional executives can adapt to the changes and innovations to be able to create governmental achieve optimal performance.
Authors and Affiliations
Agus Prasetyo, Camelia Putrini
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