„Health for Pomeranians”. a regional programme of maternal and child health prepared by a working group exper

Journal Title: Developmental Period Medicine - Year 2010, Vol 14, Issue 2


The presented programme “Health for Pomeranians” is based on a number of legal acts and the agreement between the authorities of the Region and the Medical University of Gdansk. The main objective of its authors was to improve the three-stage medical care of mother and child. Particular emphasis is placed on improving the preventive care of the pregnant woman and infant, and child who is in the developmental age , presenting the schedule and the range of recommended tests in relation to the patient’s age. After an analysis of epidemiological data, the current ambulatory care and number of beds for patients in the Pomeranian region, the needs for the years 2009-2013 according to professional medical, instrumentation and the proposed changes in the diagnostic-therapeutic profile of outpatient clinic and hospitals were presented. In terms of outpatient care as the most important change was the proposal to create a pediatric clinic for consultation within the province, while in the hospital use the expansion of highly specialized care, particularly intensive care unit and rehabilitation.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Balcerska, Tadeusz Podczarski, Jolanta Wierzbicka


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Anna Balcerska, Tadeusz Podczarski, Jolanta Wierzbicka (2010). „Health for Pomeranians”. a regional programme of maternal and child health prepared by a working group exper. Developmental Period Medicine, 14(2), 207-210. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-85027