Health programs fighting overweight and obesity among children and adolescents conducted in Gdansk
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2013, Vol 23, Issue 62
The fact that overweight and obesity also affect children is very worrying. In 2010, overweight was fund in over 42 million children under five years old. The WHO predicts that in the coming years the number of overweight people will increase significantly and recommends the implementation of programs preventing overweight and obesity. Fighting these problems at the population level is very difficult; it requires a systematic approach and the involvement of many sectors, including the scientific community, health care, health promotion and government administration.The aim of this study is to present the range of actions undertaken to prevent overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in Gdansk.The essence of such programs is not to decrease body weight but to convince children and adolescents to lead a healthy lifestyle. These assumptions were the main scope of health programs realized in Gdansk. The Gdansk Model for Health Promotion and Civilization Diseases’ Prevention for Children and Youth has been created, whose tasks are carried out by educational institutions, municipal units and the University Clinical Center. The study presents various actions concerning weight problem such as: “Keep Fit”, “Healthy Life of Your Child” and Program “6–10–14 for Health”. Thanks to the early detection of risk factors and the implementation of proper intervention, it is possible to effectively prevent weight problems among children and adolescents, as well as the serious consequences of these medical issues. The health programs can show society how dangerous the problem of excessive body weight occurring at a young age is.
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Zarzeczna-Baran, Tadeusz Jędrzejczyk, Ewa Bandurska, Justyna Sztorc, Lubomira Wengler
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