Health Related Quality of Life among the Patients with Tuberculosis in Chitradurga District
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2
Introduction: The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) uses sputum negativity as prognostic indicator but does not consider any other dimension of health. Apart from physical symptoms, TB patients face social and economic problems. Therefore, the overall impact of TB on health and patients’ perception of well being should be considered. This can be performed by measuring the Quality of Life (QoL). Methodology: A cross sectional study was undertaken in the Chalalkere Tuberculosis Unit of Chitradurga district for a period of two months between February and March, 2017. About 60 patients who are treatment for tuberculosis attending the tuberculosis unit were included as the study samples. The patients thus selected were obtained an informed, bilingual and written consent. Results: The mean score of the physical component summary (PCS) was 54.1, mental component summary (MCS) was 48.6, physical functioning (PH) was 62.1, role limitation due to physical health (RP) was 52.2, body pain was 60.2, general health was 41.7, role limitation due to emotional problem was 54, energy/fatigue was 44.4, mental health was 46.7 and social functioning was 49.2. Conclusion: The mean value of physical component summary, mental component summary, physical health and mental health were higher for class III of SES, RP, MH and VT were higher for Class V of SES and BP was higher for class I of SES.
Authors and Affiliations
Ghouse Pasha
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