Surgical operations on the nose are very common otorhinolaryngological procedures. The surgical outcome depends not only on the performance of the procedure itself but also on the postoperative care of the nasal cavities...
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare early outcomes of monopolar (MP) and bipolar (BP) radiofrequency
(RF) treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy from the perspective of both the patient and the surgeon....
Introduction: Child's deafness is a risk factor for the mental health of its parents. This study addresses a question whether mothers and fathers of the prelingually deaf children using cochlear implants (CI) experience...
The aim of the study: to evaluate CSF leak as a complication of osteoplastic flap surgery of the frontal sinus. Material and methods: Medical recordings of the patients that underwent osteoplastic flap surgery of the fro...
Aim of the paper: Authors present the case of a 6 years old boy with rare complication of mediastinal emphysema after tonsilloadenotomy. Material and methods: Authors detailed describe the evolution of this complication...
EP ID EP51724
Views 105
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How To Cite
Maciej Wiatr (2009). Hearing improvement in patients operated on chronic otitis media. Otolaryngologia Polska, 63(2),
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Zastosowanie hipertonicznego roztworu wody morskiej u chorych po leczeniu operacyjnym nosa i zatok przynosowych
Surgical operations on the nose are very common otorhinolaryngological procedures. The surgical outcome depends not only on the performance of the procedure itself but also on the postoperative care of the nasal cavities...
Comparative assessment of monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency surgery of inferior turbinate
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare early outcomes of monopolar (MP) and bipolar (BP) radiofrequency (RF) treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy from the perspective of both the patient and the surgeon....
Mental health problems of mothers and fathers of the deaf children with cochlear implants
Introduction: Child's deafness is a risk factor for the mental health of its parents. This study addresses a question whether mothers and fathers of the prelingually deaf children using cochlear implants (CI) experience...
Iatrogenic CSF leak as a complication of osteoplastic flap surgery of the frontal sinus
The aim of the study: to evaluate CSF leak as a complication of osteoplastic flap surgery of the frontal sinus. Material and methods: Medical recordings of the patients that underwent osteoplastic flap surgery of the fro...
Mediastinal emphysema as a complication of the tonsilloadenotomy in child
Aim of the paper: Authors present the case of a 6 years old boy with rare complication of mediastinal emphysema after tonsilloadenotomy. Material and methods: Authors detailed describe the evolution of this complication...