'Helping by oneself' – thinking about the non-specific factors in psychotherapy connected with a psychotherapist

Journal Title: Psychoterapia - Year 2010, Vol 155, Issue 4


Summary Among the factors of effective psychotherapy, apart from the methods and approaches, the most commonly referred to are: the characteristics of the therapist, the patient characteristics and the characteristics of the therapeutic process. This article focuses on the person of the psychotherapist in creating changes, in particular on those properties that affect the quality of the therapeutic relationship. Specific and nonspecific factors associated with a therapist are distinguished, and the role of the last one in the process of psychotherapy is specifically considered.

Authors and Affiliations

Renata Kleszcz-Szczyrba


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How To Cite

Renata Kleszcz-Szczyrba (2010). 'Helping by oneself' – thinking about the non-specific factors in psychotherapy connected with a psychotherapist. Psychoterapia, 155(4), 61-72. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-91838