Hemodynamic Changes in Propofol and Etomidate General Anaesthesia- A Comparative Study
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 10
It is now a standard practice to induce general anesthesia by using intravenous anaesthetic agent. The propofol was commonly used for induction. The hemodynamic stability during induction is poorly maintained with propofol. Hemodynamic instability during induction can be prevented by using etomidate which maintains hemodynamic stability during induction. Hence in this study we compared etomidate with propofol as induction agents. 60 patients undergoing general anaesthesia were randomly divided into 2 groups to receive the induction agent etomidate, propofol. The hemodynamic parameters namely heart rate, systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure were monitored before induction and after induction every minute for three minutes. There was fall in systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure after propofol induction. But the fall in blood pressure in propofol group was significant. The propofol induction there is decrease in heart rate. But the change in heart rate was insignificant in both groups. With etomidate induction there is no significant change in heart rate, systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressure. Etomidate offers the superior hemodynamic stability during induction. In conclusion etomidate is found to be a better induction agent for general anaesthesia with respect to haemodynamic stability compared to propofol. Etomidate can be an induction agent of choice in patients with comorbid cardiovascular ill ness.
Authors and Affiliations
G. Bharathi
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