Hepatitis B in Poland in 2017/ Wirusowe zapalenie wątroby typu B w Polsce w 2017 roku
Journal Title: Przegląd Epidemiologiczny - Year 2019, Vol 73, Issue 2
OBJECTIVE. Evaluation of the epidemiological situation of hepatitis B in Poland in 2017 in relation to previous years. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Analysis was carried out on data on hepatitis B and HBV infections registered in the Epidemiological Interview Registration System (SRWE) kept in NIPH-NIH. Aggregate data published in the annual bulletins “Infectious Diseases and Poisonings in Poland” and “Vaccinations in Poland” were also used. RESULTS. In 2017, a total of 3,363 cases of hepatitis B were registered, including 29 cases of HBV and HCV co-infections. The number of acute hepatitis B cases was 56, accounting for 1.7% of all hepatitis B cases. The incidence of acute hepatitis B was 0.15 per 100,000 population. In comparison with 2016 there was a slight increase the incidence of acute hepatitis B (In 2016, incidence was 0.13 per 100,000 population and the number of acute hepatitis B was 50). 887 cases of chronic and 2420 of uknown stage hepatitis B were registered (26.4% and 71.9%, respectively) The incidence of chronic or UNK stages was lower by almost 12% than in previous year. As in previous years, incidence varied a lot at level of voivodeships. The highest incidence was recorded in Pomorskie voivodeship (15 per 100,000). Acute, chronic and unknown stage (UNK) hepatitis B were more often detected in men and in urban residents. In most of HBV cases the probable route of transmission were still medical procedures. In 2017, HBV vaccination coverage in children with the third HBV vaccine dose for the first time in many years decreased below the required 95% in the elimination strategy. CONCLUSIONS. Compared to the previous year a similar number of cases of acute hepatitis B was registered. The good epidemiological situation in the area of acute hepatitis B is mainly the result of effective vaccinations of newborns, however, there has been observed a systematic decline in children’s vaccination coverage for several years. Slight annual fluctuations in the number of chronic and UNK cases detected may be related to the number of tests performed in a given year.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksandra Wiktor, Tomasz Borawski, Małgorzata Stępień
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