High-protein variety of soft winter wheat Natalka
Journal Title: Plant varieties studying and protection - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 3
Results of studying morphoagrobiological characteristics and properties of new high-protein variety of soft winter wheat Natalka are presented. It is determined that this variety successfully combines high natural productivity potential with genetically inherited the highest grain quality and positive reaction of protein accumulation. It can be classified as superstrong wheats by qualitative properties. It belongs to intensive varieties, has higher winter and drought hardiness. This variety is characterized by wide agroecological plasticity. To realize genetic potential of productivity and qualitative properties variety sowings should be placed after the best forecrops with high soil fertility creation, implementation of intensive technologies and sowing at the end of optimal time for appropriate agroclimatic zones.
Authors and Affiliations
О. L. Ulich, V. М. Lysikova, M. M. Korkhova, S . S . Коliadenko
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