Veda Parthasarathy
Objective: In the past, accurate diagnosis of lymphoma was challenging since there were multiple competing classification systems that caused confusion and debate. After establishment of the World Health Organization lym...
Veda Parthasarathy (2012). Hindistan’da Beta Thalassemia Taşıyıcı Araştırması. Turkish Journal of Hematology, 29(4), 427-429.
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Olağan Dışı Morfoloji ile Multipl Miyelom
Üç Kronik Miyeloid Lösemi Olgusunda İnterfaz FISH ile Doğrulanan Tekrarlayan Monozomiler
Discrepancies in Lymphoma Diagnosis Over the Years: A 13-Year Experience in a Tertiary Center
Objective: In the past, accurate diagnosis of lymphoma was challenging since there were multiple competing classification systems that caused confusion and debate. After establishment of the World Health Organization lym...
Ağız Yaraları ve Hematoloji
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