Histopathological Study of Cholecystectomy Specimens in Tertiary Care Centre - Two Year Study
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 5
Background: Gallbladder stones are commonest disorder among gall bladder lesions and are usually asymptomatic. Its frequency in cholecystectomy specimens is not clear. The aim of this study is to report the morphological variants and frequency of different lesions in cholecystectomy specimens. Material and Method: All cholecystectomy specimen received in 02 years duration in department of pathology, M.Y. Hospital, Indore. Total 106 cholecystectomy specimens were included in the study with age of patients varying from 18 years to 80 years. Detail clinical and other relevant history were taken followed by thorough gross examination and histopathological evaluation. Diagnosis was done by two different pathologists to rule out observer bias. Result: Out of 106 cholecystectomy specimens studied, 99 (93.3 %) were inflammatory lesions , 05 (4.7%) were malignant and 01 case (0.9 %) was of benign neoplastic lesion. Among inflammatory lesions, 66 cases (62.2%) had gall stones, 24 cases (22.6%) were of chronic cholecystitis without cholelithiasis , 03 cases (2.8%) of acute cholecystitis. 03 cases(2.8%) of cholesterosis, and one case each of cholesterol polyp, pyocele, mucocele, and adenoma were found. Adenocarcinoma found in 05 cases (4.7 %), and one case included do not show any specific pathology. Conclusion: Gall bladder lesions were common indication for surgical intervention and pathological evaluation. Most of them were inflammatory lesions with cholelithiasis, however thorough examination is important as these lesions may progress to fatal malignancies.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Ashok Yadav
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