Histopathological Study of Neoplasms of Lower Gastro Intestinal Tract
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 1
Background: Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is the important site for wide variety of lesions especially malignant tumors. GIT cancers constitute 1525% of all cancer burdens. Lower gastrointestinal tract disorders are one of the most commonly encountered problems in clinical practice. The definitive diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal disorders rests on the histopathological confirmation and is one of the bases for planning proper treatment. We undertake this study to determine spectrum of the neoplasms of lower gastro intestinal tract, make definite histopathological diagnosis of various neoplastic and nonneoplastic lower GI tract lesions and to correlate them age, sex and and to know the incidence of lesions with reference to age and sex in rural tertiary care hospital. Method: A prospective descriptive study of eighty endoscopic biopsies and surgically resected specimens of lower GIT tumors were carried out at a Narayana Medical College in Nellore, during 2014 to 2015. Breif clinical history was noted when the specimen is received. The biopsy samples were subjected to histopathological studies to determine the neoplastic and non neoplastic incidence. Results: Amongst 80 cases, 34 cases were benign and 46 cases (57.5%) were malignant. The peak age distribution was in 46th decade. Males out numbered females with a male to female ratio of 2.2:1 in benign lesions, however a slight female preponderance was observed in colorectal cancer. The most common benign lesion was adenoma, followed by juvenile polyp. The occurance of gastrointestinal tumors were highest in the colon and rectum. Majority of adenocarcinomas were Moderately differentiated. The most common age group affected is 3rd decade (42.85%) followed by 5th decade(28.57%),and 4th and 2nd decade(14.28%). Females(57.14%) are more commonly affected than males(42.85%) with male to female ratio of 0.73 : 1. Majority of the adenomas was found in age group of 5180 years 9 cases(75%). Peak incidence was seen in 4150 years; with 11 cases in this age group. Conclusion: The tumors of gastrointestinal tract show a wide variation in the histological type making the histopathological examination a must in the diagnosis of these tumors. Our study of gastrointestinal tract lesions throws a light on early diagnosis by histopathology beneficial for the patients in the rural area.
Authors and Affiliations
B. Krishnamurthy
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