Histopathology and Clinical Correlation of Tortion of Ovary

Journal Title: Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 6


Ovarian cysts and tumours are the major problems in women. Vast majority of ovarian cysts are benign in nature. Ovarian cysts are usually asymptomatic, they are found as an incidental finding during routine ultasonogram. Torsion ovary is a infrequent complication which may present as abdominal pain or acute abdomen. Methodology: The present study was two year retrospective study conducted during the period of Jan 2014 until Dec 2015. 29 cases with adnexal torsion who underwent surgery during this period were included in the study. The clinical details and gross findings were recorded from hospital registry. The histopathology slides were retrieved and findings were recorded. Results: Out of 29 cases 15 cases (51%) were seen between 20-30 years and the common presenting complaint was abdominal pain. The most common presentation (66%) was on the right side and minority (1%) of these lesions were found to be bilateral. Functional cyst was the more prevalent type of lesion 14 cases(48.28) followed by benign serous cystadenoma 9 cases (31%). Conclusion: Acknowledging the fact that majority ovarian cysts were seen in young females, early diagnosis and prompt intervention of cases with rupture or torsion should be made in consideration of the preserving the adnexa.

Authors and Affiliations

Dost Mohamed Khan


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  • EP ID EP523977
  • DOI 10.21088/ijprp.2278.148X.7618.2
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How To Cite

Dost Mohamed Khan (2018). Histopathology and Clinical Correlation of Tortion of Ovary. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice, 7(6), 727-730. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-523977