História lutny a pamiatky lutnovej hudby na Slovensku v 16. a na za iatku 17. storocia
Journal Title: Edukacja Muzyczna - Year 2012, Vol 7, Issue 7
The paper deals with the historical development of musical instrument called lute, monitor its structural changes, the way of strings systems and write music for that musical instrument. Territory of Slovakia is maintained during the Renaissance and Baroque close cultural-economic and social links with neighboring countries: Poland, Germany, Italy and others. The result of their cooperation are imported music in print or in handwritten form. Music is part of Levoa’s and Bardejov’s collections of music coming from our territory and part of the private libraries of prominent personalities of that time. Music scores between ecclesiastical and secular nature are also lute prints. Their existence in our country in the 16th and early 17th century, bringing more detailed information.
Authors and Affiliations
Michal Hottmar
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