Historia, pamięć i nacjonalizm po katalońsku
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2015, Vol 12, Issue
The article analyses relationships between history and memory in the context of Catalonian nationalism. Its essential aim is to demonstrate how one makes (i.e. uses and abuses) memory in Catalonia. The author seeks to show that Catalonian nationalism means manipulation of history, falsification of sources and distorted interpretations rather than a discourse about the actual history of Catalonia.
Authors and Affiliations
Filip Kubiaczyk
„Czerwonym klinem bij Białych”. Żydowskie inspiracje El Lissitzky’ego
The article focuses on the analysis of the 1919 poster entitled “Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge”. The intention of the text is to demonstrate the artist’s inspirations with Jewish mysticism, messianism and Kabbalah,...
Religia w służbie polityki? Hiszpania wobec Maghrebu w początkach epoki nowożytnej
REC. KSIĄŻKI: Beatriz Alonso Acero, Cisneros y la conquista espanola del norte de África: cruzada, política y arte de la guerra, Ministerio de Defensa, Madrid 2006, ss. 295)
W sprawie recenzji Tomasza Gintera (Kwartalnik Historyczny 4, 2010, s. 124–127)
Odpowiedź na recenzję książki: Leszek Wetesko, Historyczne konteksty monarszych fundacji artystycznych w Wielkopolsce do początku XIII wieku, Poznań 2009
O staropolskim wzorcu gospodarza raz jeszcze z punktu widzenia historyka (w świetle poradników rolniczych z XVI i XVII w.)
The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the figure of a model nobleman-farmer in the 16th- and 17th-century Poland. As a research tool, the author employs an original definition of the model, while relying on farming alm...
Historia, pamięć i nacjonalizm po katalońsku
The article analyses relationships between history and memory in the context of Catalonian nationalism. Its essential aim is to demonstrate how one makes (i.e. uses and abuses) memory in Catalonia. The author seeks to sh...