Security of the 21st century is a very important issue related to the interdisciplinary approach to this topic. This article is related to the prevention of the 21st century and the problem of suicide, including access t...
In the following paper the interdependencies between eurocentrism and globalization have been pointed out; both phenomena have been defined. The European dominance, which started in the 16th century, revealed itself in a...
Turystyka zajmuje istotne miejsce w gospodarce światowej. Ze względu na jej masowy charakter stała się istotnym elementem polityki państw i regionów. Pod koniec XX w. i w pierwszych latach XXI w. stała się dynamicznie ro...
Basic information about history of shaping civil society institution in New Zealand based on International Comparative non-profit research programme, Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimor...
Politics is a field of life the basic task of which is streamlining of exercising power by a selected group of representatives of a community inhabiting the territory of a given country. At least such its role seems to b...
EP ID EP189989
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How To Cite
Jakub Potulski (2009). Historycy jako prekursorzy myślenia geopolitycznego w Rosji. Cywilizacja i Polityka, 7(7),
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Profilaktyka XXI wieku - problem samobójstwa a dostęp do broni palnej – analiza suicydologiczna
Security of the 21st century is a very important issue related to the interdisciplinary approach to this topic. This article is related to the prevention of the 21st century and the problem of suicide, including access t...
Zależności między europocentryzmem a globalizacją
In the following paper the interdependencies between eurocentrism and globalization have been pointed out; both phenomena have been defined. The European dominance, which started in the 16th century, revealed itself in a...
Rola Polskiej Organizacji Turystycznej w realizowaniu polityki turystycznej państwa w latach 2013-2018
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Społeczeństwo obywatelskie w Nowej Zelandii według: International Comparative non-profit research programme
Basic information about history of shaping civil society institution in New Zealand based on International Comparative non-profit research programme, Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimor...
Power and Ethics in Public Opinion (Siła i etyka w opinii publicznej)
Politics is a field of life the basic task of which is streamlining of exercising power by a selected group of representatives of a community inhabiting the territory of a given country. At least such its role seems to b...