Home Automation and Security System


Home security systems combines a constantly, year after year, developing research field. Very few of these systems are limited to support basic operations, while some others satisfy a range of additional primitives. In this paper, a security system for smart home automation is proposed. The introduced system operation is supported by a GSM embedded mobile module, which enables the alert messages transmission to both mobile devices of end users, and central security offices. The proposed system is implemented on a microcontroller module, through an embedded platform. System’s operation is also based on cameras and sensors inputs. The developed system operates on different levels of user’s access control, based on passwords policies. Each time, the involved end users and the security offices, can be informed for attacks, operation modes changes etc., through SMS communication, via the available GSM network.

Authors and Affiliations

S Priyadharsini, S. Raja, Surya Prakash M. K, Suyaprakash. G, Vishnu. R


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  • EP ID EP23677
  • DOI http://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2017.3215
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How To Cite

S Priyadharsini, S. Raja, Surya Prakash M. K, Suyaprakash. G, Vishnu. R (2017). Home Automation and Security System. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 5(3), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-23677