Hover flight control of helicopter using optimal control theory
Journal Title: INCAS BULLETIN - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 3
This paper represents the optimal control theory and its application to the full scale helicopters. Generally the control of a helicopter is a hard task, because its system is very nonlinear, coupled and sensitive to the control inputs and external disturbances which might destabilize the system. As a result of these instabilities, it is essential to use a control process that helps to improve the systems performance, confirming stability and robustness. The main objective of this part is to develop a control system design technique using Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) to stabilize the helicopter near hover flight. In order to achieve this objective, firstly, the nonlinear model of the helicopter is linearized using small disturbance theory. The linear optimal control theory is applied to the linearized state space model of the helicopter to design the LQR controller. To clarify robustness of the controller, the effects of external wind gusts and mass change are taken into concern. Wind gusts are taken as disturbances in all directions which are simulated as a sine wave. Many simulations were made to validate and verify the response of the linear controller of the helicopter. The results show that the use of an optimal control process as LQR is a good solution for MIMO helicopter system, achieving a good stabilization and refining the final behavior of the helicopter and handling the external wind gusts disturbances as shown in the different simulations.
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