How Ancient and Modern Acupuncture Heal - Possible Replacement of Acupuncture with New Quantum Technologies
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical Immunology & Microbiology - Year 2024, Vol 5, Issue 2
This article is about how acupuncture heals. It all started 40 years ago, at the 8th World Congress on Acupuncture in 1983, where I reported nonlinear mathematical model of one acupuncture meridian. The nonlinear model predicted that beside the measured electric impulse, wave should propagate from the treated acupuncture point along the acupuncture meridian. The waves were found a year later and they were found to modify constantly running waves along the acupuncture meridians. Why do all living beings have constantly running waves along the acupuncture meridians? -downward on the back and upward in front. These are the waves of the weak Nonlinear Electromagnetic Field (NEMF) of all living beings, which being nonlinear, can imprint information. The waves (running downward on the back) scan the new environment and the waves running upward in front of the body bring the information about the new environment to the body, telling it how to change to adapt to the new environment. If the required changes to adapt are too big, the living beings evolve to new species. First, the NEMF is modified to adapt the new environment and only if the environment stays the same for a long time, the changed NEMF lead to changed DNA and new species develop with a new DNA. The weak informational NEMF rules and regulates everything in the body, not with its strength but with the information it carries and when this NEMF is out of balance, we restore the balance with acupuncture treatments generating waves. However, we can restore the balance (heal) with waves produced by our new quantum technologies instead of acupuncture needles.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Kuman1*
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