How to measure well-being in architecture. The benefits of using mixed-method research. Based on a case study involving inhabitants of heritage houses

Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2017, Vol 21, Issue 1


Recently, the pursuit of well-being in architecture has been called one of the main global megatrends. Politicians, economists, developers and researchers try to define the concept. Several methodologies of measuring well-being and satisfaction have been developed and popularised in architectural research. This paper aims to review those tendencies and juxtapose them with established concepts of happiness, eudemonia and forgiveness, which have been developed by thinkers and researchers since the time of Socrates and which are being revitalised by positive psychologists today. The paper builds a case for mixed-method research as the best way of investigating and understanding the complexity of well-being. The case study of research on heritage houses in Lincolnshire, UK, offers examples illustrating how mixed-method research could correct drawbacks of single methodologies which could be very misleading if applied individually.

Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Mateusz Kołakowski


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  • EP ID EP195061
  • DOI 10.5277/arc170102
  • Views 37
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How To Cite

Marcin Mateusz Kołakowski (2017). How to measure well-being in architecture. The benefits of using mixed-method research. Based on a case study involving inhabitants of heritage houses. Architectus, 21(1), 15-32.