Hubungan Kompetensi Sosial Guru Kristen Terhadap Perkembangan Karakter Siswa: Tantangan Pendidikan Kristen Dalam Mencerdaskan Youth Generation
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 1
The purpose of this writing is to see the relationship of the social competence of Christian teachers and the character of the students through research that is able to answer the challenge of Christian education through educating the younger generation also known as Youth Geneneration (Y Generation). The influence of the social competence of a teacher includes the ability to communicate, the use of technology for information and communication, along with a general knowledge that can influence the character of the student that impacts a student’s intellect. The results of this study show that the social competence of a Christian teacher for the mastery of informational technology and communication needs to be increased so that the teacher can have a postive influence on the development of the student and effective student-teacher association through communication, informational technology so that purpose of Christian education can be achieved.
Authors and Affiliations
Made Astika, Selvianty Sari Bunga
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