Human papillomavirus and its influence on head and neck cancer predisposition
Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2013, Vol 67, Issue 0
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus often infecting humans. It is often present on skin or mucousmembranes. These diverse DNA viruses are often linked to many various benign and malignant neoplasticlesions. Over 40 types of HPV are transmitted through sexual contact and infect the anogenital regionwhich might be secondly transmitted to the oral mucous. Over 150 HPV viruses are defined according tothe invaded site. Oral papillomas are marked with numbers 6, 7, 11, 16 and 32. Squamous cell papillomais often found in laryngeal epithelial tumor associated with HPV-6 and HPV-11 and also HPV-16 in oralsquamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). In the last 15 years OSCC has become more common in children andyoung adults. The role of HPV virus causing oral squamous cell carcinomas is more often realized, butpeople’s lack of knowledge and risky sexual behavior is still the main factor in growing HPV infections.
Authors and Affiliations
Kamil H. Nelke, Lidia Łysenko, Jarosław Leszczyszyn, Hanna Gerber
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