Human Resources Management in a Teal Organization Based on the Example of Brewa c.c. in Kalisz


The article identified activities in the field of human resources management carried out in teal organizations, a concept developed by F. Laloux. The Polish company Brewa, from Kalisz, which for several years has been implementing the teal organization rules, was used as an example. Using the categorized interview method with one of the company’s owners, detailed functions which make up the human resources management in this organization were presented and analyzed. The findings indicated that recruitment and selection were considered as belonging to the most important activities in this area, including the introduction of a new employee to work.

Authors and Affiliations

Aneta Pisarska, Joanna Iwko


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  • EP ID EP614285
  • DOI 10.17951/h.2018.52.6.79-86
  • Views 59
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How To Cite

Aneta Pisarska, Joanna Iwko (2018). Human Resources Management in a Teal Organization Based on the Example of Brewa c.c. in Kalisz. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H Oeconomia, 0(0), 79-86.