Hydraulic performance of zero-valent iron and nano-sized zero-valent iron permeable reactive barriers – laboratory test


The hydraulic conductivity of zero-valent iron treatment zone of permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) may be decreased by reducing the porosity caused by gas production and solids precipitation. The study was undertaken in order to evaluate the influence of chloride and heavy metals on the hydraulic conductivity of ZVI and nZVI using hydraulic conductivity tests as well as continuous column tests. Results show that the lead retention in the solution had no impact for hydraulic conductivity in ZVI sample, on the other hand the calculated hydraulic conductivity losses in nZVI sample (from 4.10•10–5 to 2.30•10–5 m•s–1) were observed. Results also indicate that liquids containing the mixture of heavy metals may cause significant decrease in hydraulic conductivity (from 1.03•10–4 to 1.51•10–6 m•s–1). During the column tests, several number of clogging of the reactive material caused by iron hydroxides precipitation was observed over the course of injection of heavy metals solution. In contrast, the hydraulic conductivity of ZVI and nZVI is unaffected when they are permeated with chloride ions solution (k = 1.03•10–4 m•s–1). Finally, the results indicate the need to take account of changes in the hydraulic conductivity of reactive materials for successful implementation of PRBs technology.

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JOANNA FRONCZYK, KATARZYNA PAWLUK (2014). Hydraulic performance of zero-valent iron and nano-sized zero-valent iron permeable reactive barriers – laboratory test. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 46(1), 33-42. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-162647