Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 21
У статті розглядається сутність поняття «інтелектуальна міграція», яке характеризує один з найактуальніших аспектів міграційного руху в сучасному міжнародному просторі. Вивчаються позиції різних науковців до визначення термінології, яка характеризує ці процеси. Досліджуються концептуальні підходи до характеристики процесів інтелектуальної міграції з точки зору впливу на країни-донори та держави-реципієнти відповідних мігрантів. The article deals with the core definition of the concept of «intellectual migration», which characterizes one of the most urgent aspects of the migration movement in the modern international space. The positions of different experts to the terminology that characterizes these processes are studied. The conceptual approaches to the characterization of the processes of intellectual migration from the point of view of influence on the donor countries and the recipient states, which are involved in the migration movement, are explored. The phenomenon of intellectual migration in the scientific environment is recognized as a multifaceted and influential element of the international system. Among the various aspects of migration forms this kind of movement of citizens, to a large extent, affects the redistribution of force and potential in the global space, between different regions and states. Some researchers focus on the scientific nature of intellectual migration. However, there is a more widespread view that these processes concern the entire spectrum of interstate movement of persons involved in the creative and intellectual work. The reasons for implementing the migration movement of these categories of citizens in general correspond to the general concept of labor migration, which is usually caused by the search for better living conditions and professional self-realization abroad. At the same time, different dimensions of the studied problem have different connotations and importance for the involved actors. In modern conditions of globalization, the processes of reverse and temporary intellectual migration (in the format of experience exchange, participation in grant activities) are an indispensable condition for the inclusion of the state in the world scientific environment. It becomes an important element of increasing the country's potential for intensive development on the international space. At the same time, the irreversible emigration of the intellectual elite is becoming a leading security threat to states that are losing their intellectual potential. The fact that Ukraine also directly suffers from this phenomenon determines the relevance of the study of migration problems for national science, creating the request for theoretical and practical studies from the authorities.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Ігорович Демиденко
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