[i][b]About Property Claims of the so called Germans. About Property, Cynicism and Politics[/b][/i]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2009, Vol 1, Issue 1
Over the past few years the problem of claims from Germans with respect to real estate located in Poland has reappeared in Polish-German relations. Understandably, in the past this problem stirred up a lot of emotions and continues in doing so. This is because it relates to the misery of people on account of World War II, the shifting of borders as a result of German and USSR aggression that triggered off this war, the exodus of millions of people as a result of the new border regulations, implications of the political and ideological division that had formed afterWorld War II and migrations afterwards, which was mainly as a result of the wish to escape from the Polish communist regime. As a result of World War II, the Polish-German border has been moved to the West on the grounds of the Potsdam Agreement from the 2nd of August of 1945 . Consequently, most of the German population that was left in the former German eastern territories was displaced to Germany within the borders established based on chapter XIII of the Potsdam Agreement, the Plan of the Allied Control Council of Germany from the 20th ofNovember of 1945 concerning the transfer of German population to Germany from Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland, the Memorandum concerning the transfer of German population from Poland to Germany that was adopted on the 5th of January of 1946 in Berlin during the Anglo-Soviet-Polish conference and on the executive agreements between Poland, Great Britain and the USSR (Germans were displaced from Poland within the new borders to the Soviet and British occupation zone – a total of over 3 million people) .
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Barcz
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